Member-only story
You’re The Boss.
If you are in business for yourself, then you are definitely amongst the percentage of the population that has decided to be the boss of your own life. You’re a free bird, a free thinker and you’ve got a fire in you to protect that at all costs.
And when someone tries to tell you what you can or cannot do, you probably snap back like this post image, ammIriiiiight?? I definitely do!
But I’m actually grateful for those moments, because they remind me of something that I so often forget, even though I’ve owned a business for 20 years, and that thing is…
I’m the friggin’ boss.
That’s right! You may sometimes forget it too, but you are the boss of your life and business. And so today I just want to remind you bosses of some of the perks of what it means to be the boss (in case you forgot):
- You get to say when, you get to say with-who, you get to say how much. (those of you who get the Pretty Woman reference are surely chuckling with me right now, but seriously)… YOU ARE THE BOSS and so YOU MAKE THE RULES! Who you work with, when and how is your call sweetness. 💃🏽
- You get to ask yourself for time off and GRANT YOURSELF that time off. You even get to grant yourself paid time off. (yes you’re responsible for how that will work, but you can do it, and you can make it work!) ⏰