Member-only story
What Do Boundaries Have To Do With Making Bank?
So the short answer to this question is… Ummm, EVERYTHING!
But this is coming from someone who once-upon-a-time made a nasty face at the mere mention of the word boundaries and had a total gag-me-with-a-spoon reaction every time the topic came up.
I recognize now this had more to do with my rebellion against my therapist mother and my unresolved issues with some super complex emotional stuff, but suffice to say… I’m over it now. And boundaries are totally LEGIT.
So get on board sweet peas, and put away your spoon gags.
Put away any of your ideas that boundaries are like closed doors, harsh restrictions, or would impede on your ability to freely love and accept your brethren and sistren (I just had to look up if this was actually a word or if I was gonna have to get hashtag #pissed about more inequality, but it IS a word you guys! cool beans).
Boundaries are not the freedom impingers you think they are, boundaries are the things that set you free.
They are something you’ve been craving your entire life, but just didn’t know you were craving, and when that thirst gets quenched, everything flows.
And why is that?? Because you finally step out of FIGHT OR FLIGHT mode (ahem… a.k.a. FEAST OR FAMINE).