Member-only story
I Choose You.
I had an incredible breakthrough recently. Like a holy-freaking-hell kind of breakthrough… MULTIPLE BREAKTHROUGHS. 😆
But at the bottom of all those breakthroughs was something very simple, and that simple thing was a small but growing voice saying: “I choose you.”
A message sent from myself to the little girl inside.
You see, all my life I’ve felt I had to choose, choose everyone and everything first. If I chose one thing, I’d have to lose the other. So no matter what I’d win, I’d always LOSE.
And no matter what I lost or won,
I always lost ME.
The ways that I then manifested this pattern in my business and life would blow. your. mind.
I learned to choose things and people above myself because I thought it would bring me what I need to do so. I thought it made me good, and right and kind.
But my kindness did not include me… and that festered like a gaping wound.
I learned to choose giving over receiving because I thought I didn’t matter as much, and that it made me more valuable, and that giving is more holy than receiving. I thought it made me good, and right, and kind.
But that kindness didn’t include what othersgive, and want to give me… and that festered too.