How To Release Self-Doubt

Sunni Chapman
5 min readFeb 24, 2019

Although we all struggle with self-doubt as human beings (with the exception of psychopaths of course), those of us who are entrepreneurs and creatives struggle with it doubly-so, simply because we are constantly having to push outside the boundaries of what we’ve previously allowed ourselves to be, and every time we do so, self-doubt creeps in like “who dis?!” 👻😳👹🤡.

I’ve been wrestling with this mightily myself, as of late, as I’m pushing myself further and further into new territory — and it’s honestly fucking terrifying. At every turn, I feel a little as though I’ll soon be dragged to the town square and burned at the stake.

Every time I have a moment of confidence, and am feeling pretty good about that thing I do and how I do it… every time I put myself out there, that critic voice in my head, (the one that I used to not-so-affectionately call ‘the evil cheerleader’) pipes up with her predictable: “Welp, that’s it! You’ve done it now! Now everybody DEFINITELY hates you and thinks you’re a vapid, horrible, idiotic, heartless, self-righteous, over-dramatic, insufferable piece of shit.

We need more NON-evil cheerleaders in our lives. 🎉

I’m just gonna go right ahead and put that out there — I am giving us all permission to have people in our lives and tribes who actively cheer us on. It may not be the circle you have now, but it’s a way of opening the door to finding your circle, and the people who truly love and support you. YOUR PEOPLE!

And while having a circle of people who understand you, your heart, and your vision is not only needed, but vital, to helping bolster you in times of self-doubt, it will not be enough. Because self-doubt is just another name for self-worth, and self-worth is an inside job.

As a recovering brute-force-independent however, I am going to reiterate and repeat that for you other brute-force independents: it is not only okay, and not only allowed, but NECESSARY to have supportive people around you, and for god sakes LET THEM IN sweet pea. ❤️

I used to believe I had to do this all on my own, and would never truly be healed until I did, and that I didn’t, and shouldn’t, need any help or support, and should never need to lean on someone for this, ever… and that was my intimacy blocks talking. 👻…



Sunni Chapman

Writer, creator & mentor. I help people make more money doing more of what they truly love.